Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warrior trails pack a healthy heaping of distance, elevation gain and challenging terrain. A day hike on one of these gems will typically take 6-8 hours, covering 6-10 miles with some significant calorie-burning ups. Oh, yeah, there will also be rocks. Lots of rocks. We are, after all, hiking in the Northeast.

Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warrior trails pack a healthy heaping of distance, elevation gain and challenging terrain. A day hike on one of these gems will typically take 6-8 hours, covering 6-10 miles with some significant calorie-burning ups. Oh, yeah, there will also be rocks. Lots of rocks. We are, after all, hiking in the Northeast.

Mt. Hale Family Loop Hike

Winter Hike the Hancock Mountains

Mt. Carrigain Hike Via Signal Ridge Trail & Notch Loop

Mt. Tecumseh Trail Hike

Mt. Hale & Zealand Falls Loop Hike

Mt. Monadnock Hike Via White Dot and White Cross Trails