337 responses to Images tagged "crawford-path"
  1. Sara says:

    What beautiful photos (for the most part)! 🙂 This kind of makes me want to get in to hiking. Nah, nevermind. I enjoyed my nap today.

  2. The Quicks says:

    Congrats on getting started! Hope Day 2 was easier. Excited to read about the rest of your journey!!!

  3. Christine Penney says:

    Love it Darren, Just keep reminding yourself that after tomorrow it will get easier…..
    Awesome adventure – enjoy every moment…..See you in three weeks…

  4. Nat Berry says:

    Great so far Daren. You should have brought Fran to carry your pack, and Brad looks so happy knowing there are only 3 weeks ahead !

  5. Debra Swan says:

    Have fun you two….so excited for you both..what a great time and great memories as brothers. Looking forward to seeing and hearing all about the rest of your trip..on face-book.
    Love Aunt Debbie

    • 1)La mejor corrección para esas novelas horribles que mencionas arriba, margaret, es no editarlas. Hay mucho que releer para que se inunde el mercado con títulos prescindibles, aunque, claro, de eso se trata, de mercado y no de ‘gestionar’ buena literatura 2) Yo sí estoy de acuerdo con al distinción de Jonas entre editar o hacer editing con best sellers y obras, digamos, autoexigidas. ·)Finalmente ¿por qué despierta tantos odios Olmos?

    • You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illegal? 😉

    • Reminds me of Turkish commando team are going to Palestine to get revenge of the aid workers who were killed by israeli commandos in the Flotilla bound to Gaza. They go on to hunt for the Israeli-zionist military commander responsible for the Gaza flotilla raid.

    • That’s not just the best answer. It’s the bestest answer!

    • gamdom says:

      Hi Chuck, if the facts are as straightforward as you present them, you should contact a lawyer. Depending on where you live, there may be a legal advice service in your area that will provide you with some free advice and/or access to a copyright lawyer at lower fees.

  6. Stacy Fidler says:

    Hey guys looks like your having fun. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Looking forward to seeing/hearing more about it.

  7. Nat Berry says:

    Hey you guys look good! And Oh by the way the beer and lobster I had last night was really great. Wish you were here, he he he ! Talked with Fran and Wyatt last night.
    Have a safe trip.

  8. Nat Berry says:

    Whew, you guys need a shower.

  9. Maggie & Joe says:

    Hey Guys – really enjoying the pics and interesting commentary. looks like a good time (especially by the look of brad’s face) and be careful! Oh and we like that you’re keeping score on digs… nice. 🙂

  10. Jes Cady says:

    So now you know why those crazy people run on the mountains. They are practicing for when there is a thunderstorm so they don’t get stuck at the top with lightning and rain.

    By the way, our quote of the day was from Russ when he saw a pic of your brother and said, “So I guess we know what Daren would look like with a beard”.

    Sounds like you’re having a great time. Stay safe!

  11. Doug says:

    Great description. I wanted to go before reading it, now I REALLY want to go. Need to find a babysitter and free time. D’oh!

  12. Nat Berry says:

    Well you guys are doing a good job so far. We toasted you last night at the Puritan Restaurant with a Sam Adams ! Fran bought you a new Stove to cook on once you get home. take care and be safe.

  13. Maggie & Joe says:

    Hey there Scottie – glad to hear you guys are doing well so far and made it through the thunder storms. Sorry you’re losing 7-6 and tripping is out of the question since it counts against you. But if a branch were strategically placed in a trippable manner, does that count against you? I’d think about that one… and i’m surprized you didn’t use the names of Frodo and Gollum. You are bigger fans of that movie and Brad could do the Gollum voice and it’d be a very interesting trip (not that it hasn’t been already). 🙂 Enjoying the posts and pics and have fun guys and be careful!

  14. Nat Berry says:

    Since you need to stay at the “top of your game” you and Brad stayed away from the Brewery, Right ? Right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Maggie & Joe says:

    Love the pics and commentary like always. The picture of brad, hmmm… little interesting with him hugging the sign but hey, if he’s having a good time then great! Joe and i have been to Northern Outdoors where you guys stayed. We actually did a rafting trip with my company years ago and though we camped out instead, we did go to that lodge for a beer later on. and realized we should’ve stayed there instead of our two man tent…especially when Joe ate beans the night before. enough said. 🙂
    So have a great time this week and be careful you guys.
    -maggie and joe

    • / I keep listening to the reports talk about receiving free online grant applications so I have been looking around for the finest site to get one. Could you tell me please, where could i find some?

    • Love your presentation, I’m gonna try it tomorrow. One question – Am I supposed to release my breath inside water? Because I find the time my head comes out the water insufficient to release and take a breath!!

    • in addition, the degraded class structure that weakened rome's military, leading to crushing defeats and actual existential threat from the north — was the direct result of senatorial greed and the runaway expansion of latifundia both through appropriation of soldiers'/small farmers' lands and legalized theft of ager publicus

    • I had been wondering if you ever considered modifying the layout of your website? It is well written; I love what you have got to say. But maybe you can add a a bit more in the way of content so people might connect to it better. Youve got a great deal of wording for only having one or two pictures. Maybe you can space it out better?

    • Valjean says:

      That’s a creative answer to a diuicfflt question

  16. Nat Berry says:

    We knew all along you were “Half-Crocked” nothing new here. It shows your young age if this is the first time you have heard of a “Privy”.

  17. Debra Swan says:

    Great Pictures! Keep up the great hard work. Great weather ahead of you I believe…
    Your in our prayers!
    Love you guys Aunt Debbie and Uncle Bruce

  18. Matt Toy says:

    Your Mom is going to KILL you (if a bear doesn’t first). Glad to see your time on the trail hasn’t effected your sense of humor.

    Sorry to hear about the Croc. I know how close you had gotten.

    Stay safe.

  19. Russ Renshaw says:

    Thank you! Wilderness hiking blogs need more references to AirWolf and any other super secret experimental helicopters.

    Stay safe out there.

  20. Nat Berry says:

    Chongae is helping your Mom put extra Ex-Lax in your next batch of Brownies !!!
    Brad looks more like the Incredible Hulk than Walker Texas Ranger.

  21. Debra Swan says:

    This is Uncle Bruce telling me what to type to ya. (He”s not a typer.) I was in monson on wednesday . I went to Blanchard. If I only knew I could of given you both a ride , chat or five hour engery drink. Sounds a great trip thanks for the up date.
    Love Uncle Bruce
    Love you guys as well Aunt Debbie

  22. Jeff and Mike says:

    Great blog, Daren, I’ve enjoyed reading it between my multiple daily naps. Can’t wait to get out there and finish up the daunting final 100 miles. Good luck on the final leg of the trip. Tell Pierre I said hello!

  23. Sunshine Bumpers says:

    My buddy and I had been just talking over this article, she is normally endeavouring to prove me completely wrong! I will show her this post and rub it in a little!

  24. Mom says:

    Daren dear, the batch of brownies is coming along very well….

    Can’t wait to see you guys again!
    Wish I was young and in shape enough to do what you guys are doing, I might even join you!
    Relax – I’m not in shape.

    Hope the weather cooperates for the rest of the week. Stay safe, Love, Mom oxo

    PS to Brad – Saw Juliet, she’s getting so big and now has little rolls on her legs. She told me to tell you she loves you. See you soon hon, Love, Mom oxo

  25. Maggie & Joe says:

    Hey Daren! Sounds like you guys are still plugging away and i’m glad to hear that Brad had “walker and Texas ranger” with him when you encountered the bear… my god i just about cried laughing at that. Stay safe and keep the pictures coming! Joe says your goal is to have a grizzly adam’s beard by the time you get back. 🙂
    -Mags and Joe

  26. Peter Schmidt says:

    Enjoyed your writeup! Just did this loop in the other direction, and now I think I know why *everyone* seems to prefer to ascend Falling Waters – coming down was an unrelenting exercise in not tripping off one sharp piece of granite and taking a header 10 feet down onto another one. I have run down Old Bridal Path, but it was a lot harder to maintain momentum safely down Falling Waters…

  27. Deb says:

    Am in the area for the week and this hike was suggested to me as a good ambitious one to do where I could start and end at my car! I was thinking that it would be better to do ‘not alone’, and was wondering if there is a place to find one or two others to go with on Friday (weather looks promising). Is there such a thing?? lol…thanks for whatever you can share.

    Hoping not to leave NH without trying this 🙂

  28. Doug says:

    Looks like you had a good time. China is definitely one of those places I would like to go but I think I’d want a guide. I’m not sure I’d enjoy the travel time too much, but I am pretty adept now at functioning on very little sleep.

  29. daren says:

    Good analogy. Jet leg is very much like living with an infant.

  30. Nat Berry says:

    Well I guess the secret is out Daren, the only original thing missing are the original owners Harland and Mildred Hussey. They were real Maine entrepreneur’s !

  31. Nat Berry says:

    Daren, nice article, however; you forgot to tell everyone how Fran felt the next few days after the hike ! Her mother say’s “nice guy”

  32. Missouri Health Inurance says:

    The site looks kinda bad on my phone =(:)

  33. Nat Berry says:

    He Deer hunts in the same outfit !

  34. chris says:

    Hello Daren,

    Read your article in DE as well as the 14 tips for hiking MAT. I was wondering at what age u would have kids hike MAT? Mine are 5 now, boy and a girl. Thoughts?? We’re in FL so ww have flat trails:)Thank you. Chris

  35. Kelly says:

    Just did this loop this past weekend. Looks like you had some awesome weather on your hike! I was not that lucky. haha. Great page!

  36. debbie says:

    would you recommend going north bound or south bound i have bad knees so going down is bothersome, going up hill is better for me.please let me know . ill be there in august thankyou

  37. Mark Evans says:

    Very nice – thanks for sharing. 5/5 stars

  38. Jona Horman says:

    I just love this blogs design. Is it WordPress?

  39. daren says:

    Thanks, Jona. Yes, the site is run on WordPress. The theme is “Canvas” from Woo Themes. The background dirt and logo I did myself. It maxed out my lack of design skills.

  40. Steve Dunn says:

    Hey Daren – I’ve really enjoyed reading your Hunt Trail and Knife Edge posts. I’m doing a little reconnaissance for an upcoming hike trip with my 14 year old son to Katahdin, and stumbled across your site. We have a parking reservation at Katahdin Stream and so will be hiking the Hunt Trail. Praying for good weather next weekend, fingers crossed for no more hurricanes. I expect we’ll be back at a later date for Knife Edge. Cheers – Steve

  41. Ed says:

    Great review! Many thanks for realistic advices! We arrived to the parking lot at 12:50 p.m. (slightly after noon you’d say?) and decided to do only half of the loop (stopping at mount Lincoln). We barely made it – took us 6:25 for easier part of the loop I’d say. Great advice not to start full loop after noon.

  42. Hi there, You have done a fantastic job. I?ll certainly digg it and in my view recommend to my friends. I’m confident they’ll be benefited from this site.

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  44. Nat says:

    Nice photo’s Daren, and a nice picture of the cool clear water you bye-passed. Enjoy the hikes ans scenery.

  45. Nat Berry says:

    Good reading Daren, and the photo’s are fantastic.Can’t imagine being up there in a Thunder or snow storm !

  46. sdizzy777 says:

    The new shelter looks nice!

  47. Bill Perkins says:

    Very thorough and detailed report! Thank you! Heading up there tomorrow..

  48. Jeff says:


    keep an eye out for Lyme Disease. Some of the symptoms you described are commonly associated with it. The northeast is chock-full of Lyme carrying ticks, especially this “year without a winter.” Iron Mike ended up with it after we hiked with you and Brad in ME.



    • Daren says:

      Oddly, I think it might have been caused by the ready-mix Propel I was adding to my water. I started getting sick again on another hike, and once I switched back to regular water I started feeling better.

  49. AJS says:

    Thank you so much for this site. It’s an incredible help as we plan our hike and future plans for BSP. Congrats on the summit!

  50. David Worcester says:

    Thanks, Daren. I’ve started reading and I’m sure will learn much as well as enjoy much. On the back cover a quote from Bill McKibben would be exactly appropriate for me to say, too, “What a gift to mountain lovers.”

  51. Keith says:

    Thanks for this post! I have been thinking about this winter hike for a while now. Planning on staying at the lean-to and hitting the peaks for sunrise and/or sunset.

    • Daren says:

      You’re very welcome. Love the idea of a sunrise/sunset hike on Baldpate. If you do it, please share photos with us on Twitter or Facebook.

  52. Awesome guide and pictures! The scenery makes me shiver.

  53. Great post. Unfortunately, most retailers don’t stock a very good selection of hiking boots so you often have to go online to buy something. It’s a real problem.

    • Daren says:

      Good point. Store shopping is especially tricky this time of year when retailers are between trying to unload last year’s models and rolling out the new boots for this summer. A recent trip into EMS had me on my third request before I even found something in my size, and I’m in the average size range.

  54. Tom Bishop says:

    I like bright colors because I just do, but I’ve always realized that bright colors for climbing gear had a visibility function. That being said, check the price tags on brightly-colored gear vs. gear in earth colors. The bright stuff is always more $$$.

  55. Joe says:

    Great write up, thanks for sharing. Are you carrying an SLR on these adventures?

  56. Michael says:

    What a glorious day! I can’t get over how blue the sky was. I’d love to go on a snowy hike in the Presidentials some day.

  57. Joy david says:

    If you choose the right outdoor clothes, then definitely outdoor clothes will keep you safe. If you make the right choices in the way you dress, it will dramatically impact your level of safety and comfort. Outdoor clothing aims to protect you both against the weather and to keep you dry and comfortable.

  58. Michael Byrd says:

    You’ve done it now, Daren! I want to reach the summit of Katahdin even more now than ever before. Great post – loved the history and folklore about the mountain.

  59. corey says:

    Im going on this hike the first weekend in August and was trying to make it a weekend one and do some camping can I camp anywhere up there I mean as long as im a 1/4 mile off the trail?

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Corey, the Forest Service monitors the ridge trail and strongly encourages people to stay on trail to protect the alpine vegetation. Given the high volume of hikers/backpackers that this area gets, this is most definitely for the best. There are designated camp sites on Mt. Garfield and Mt. Liberty that you probably want to plan/shoot for. Lafayette is almost all open above the Greenleaf Hut, rocky and exposed to the elements, so this mountain isn’t really conducive to stealth camping.

  60. Lorne Grant says:

    I live in Saint John New Brunswick and will be heading down in 2 weeks to hike the mountain and see the sites in New Hampshire. This description was the best that I have read in detail , thanks

  61. Larry Bradley says:

    I did it on July 2. It is an exhausting climb to the top. Took almost exactly 4 hrs as predicted. Yes, I am older & slower, but do not underestimate this climb. Hard work. I was delighted to take the hiker shuttle bus back down. Great experience.

  62. Richard says:

    There’s no way to get down from Helon Taylor Trail without doing the Knife Edge or Dudley? There’s no easy on the knees way down? Can one go up Helon Taylor and return down the same trail or would that be too difficult?

    • Daren Worcester says:

      It’s Katahdin, with tons of rocks and steep elevation gains, so any route will be felt in the knees if you are prone to knee issues. The Saddle Trail is considered the “easiest” trail, but from Helon Taylor you have to cross the Knife Edge to get there. If you go up Helon Taylor, returning via that trail or the Dudley Trail are the only options without braving the Knife Edge. Helon Taylor is a trail you could use trekking poles on to take pressure off your knees. Just pack the poles away if you try going though the Knife Edge chimney. Good luck!

    • I such as the useful info you offer inside of your content.I will bookmark your weblog and examine all over again right here often.I am relatively guaranteed I’ll gain knowledge of a lot of recent stuff appropriate listed here! Decent luck to the following!

    • Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate

    • … 2/26/2007 2:45 odp.4. Stydím se za človÄ›ka, který nemá vyÅ™eÅ¡ený svůj vlastní život. Dává tím najevo opovržení lidmi, pro které sluÅ¡nost, morálka, vÄ›rnost, pravdomluvnost nejsou prázdné pojmy.Promiňte ale nikde tu nemohu takový příspÄ›vek najít. Na koho reagujete?

    • Jacqlyn Smith,I believe you are correct.If they had to cough up the Kenyan birth certificate, Obama would go to prison.That would definitely be an embarrassment to Mr.Obama, his family, and the fourth of the Nation that voted him into office.

    • Ah, si eu ma plangeam ca ma bat aproape toate incaltarile. Se pare ca se poate mai rau 🙁 Incerc sa-mi iau tenisi/sandale din panza, parca se adapteaza mai usor formei piciorului meu. Adela, ai incercat sa-ti faci pantofi pe comanda? Ca sa fie exact marimea ta. Eu am unii pentru dans, nu m-au batut deloc deloc. Singura problema e atunci cand stau mai mult cu ei si mi se umfla picioarele, atunci ma cam strang. Dar cred ca o sa se "muleze" intr-un final.

    • I am sooo disappointed with the changes of letting Eric Wilson and Jacqueline London go. I have been hoping and praying that they would come back. I loved my morning news and looked forward to waking up to both Erik and Eric. There is no way that I would ever believe that this is what the viewers wanted is to get rid of two great people . I am with the viewers that will be looking at other news channels now. And if channel 6 really wants to get rid of someone, please get rid of Ping! This guy is very annoying and should not be on TV, much less the daily news!

  63. Adam Bridges says:

    Thanks for the detailed write-up, it got me really excited for my own winter adventures this summer. I plan on doing Mt. Lafayette and a few other small New England Peaks this winter. Will be my first “mountaineering”/”snow climbing”, so I was wondering if I could run a few questions by you? Stuff like what gear and clothing you recommend? Do I need an alpine back or will a 20L BD Hollowpoint be fine? Do I NEED snowshoes, or will crampons suffice? And then clothing is the big one for me.. Any advice would be really appreciated…

  64. Adam says:

    Thank you, this was super helpful. This was all very helpful info that would have taken me a dozen forums to compile. Only follow up question I have is if you could recommend any entry-level hikes before trying to tackle Lafayette? I’m looking to hike up some summits in the Northeast, but like you said I might want some hikes a little easier than Lafayette…

  65. Doreen says:

    I agree with Larry, even though I had trained for the climb, I found it difficult. Two years later, I can’t wait to try it again. Please note, however, if you don’t want to climb down, you can take the van shuttle. It cost $30.00 and takes about a half hour. By the way, this report was as accurate as it gets.

  66. Where was that last picture taken? Amazing view!

  67. greenpete58 says:

    Great essay. I guess I’m an intermediate hiker (two sections of the AT under my belt, one section in the Cascades). I’m doing the Whites in a few weeks for the first time. Just a few questions: how much weight does each of your dogs carry? Is it all food, or do they also carry their own water? (how much water total do you take?). Do they need training to do, say, a 15-mile daily hike?

    Hey, Sheba and I thank you!

  68. Hey GreenPete58 and Sheba! Kudos on the section hiking – definitely something we may get into in the future! For health reasons, a dog should carry a maximum of 25% of her body weight and should be introduced to her pack and the weight gradually. Some dogs may be most comfortable at much less than 25% so I recommend knowing your pup’s body language well and watch for signs of discomfort, soreness, or just a sense of “blah.” 🙂 One thing I find helpful is to stuff Tango’s pack with bulky items so that I can carry a smaller pack but I am not asking a lot of him in terms of load weight (he gets tired quicker than me and Ty.)

    For two dogs (50 and 63 pounds) who drink from natural sources (watch out for giardia!), I carry about 1-1.5L for a 9 mile hike this time of year but increase that in the summer and/or choose hikes that pass multiple water sources. Ty carries water but never food. I get a little paranoid about her carrying items with scent to them.

    A 15 miler should be built up to but the amount of training depends on the dog, what level and type of exercise she is accustomed to doing regularly, and the terrain of the planned hike. A big reminder I always give, and sorry if it is old news, is not to forget about her pads. For example, a dog who does most of her exercise on dirt or grass may have a tough time trekking over rocks for hours!

    Happy Trails to you and Sheba!

    • greenpete58 says:

      Thanks Krista… yep, pads are a concern. Sheba and I do 2-mile runs on the sidewalk. She’s had a couple sores break out, but normally she’s ok. On rocky trails, though, it might be a problem. Anyway, I’ll store away your advice for a possible future hike with her. Thanks again!

    • Mark Fugel says:

      I just picked up a jar of Mushers Secret…essentially wax and oils for your dog’s paws. Just applied it last night after a couple of recent hikes. We will see…

  69. Krista Rodrigues says:

    My pleasure! Sounds like she’ll have the interest and stamina for a shorter hike to start but will love the double digits once she builds up to them. Have fun!

  70. Woodstock Inn? Really? The beer is average at best and the kitchen is a pig sty. And yes I’ve been in it

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Using the criteria outlined, what would be your list?

      • Lorrie says:

        Tu es excusée de ce manquement à ton devoir !!!mais qu'on ne t'y reprenne plus ;)Quant à noël j'en parle pas…les fêtes moi tu sais… :p :pallez…plions nous à ses règles sociales qui veulent que l'on souhaite de bonnes fêtes au gerNN..alons….BO.sES FÊTES !!!!!! 😀

  71. Mark Fugel says:

    nice description of what appears to have been a great great hike. Thanks!! Do you have a map of the route you took?? Happy trails!!

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Thanks, Mark. I don’t have an online map plotting my route. For the hike, I used the AMC’s White Mountain Trail Map #5 for Carter Range – Evans Notch. With a good map, there’s a ton of variations on this hike that could be done.

  72. Ken Brenner says:

    Enjoyed your article and pictures.
    I must admit, I enjoy the challenge of “ledges” and/or bouldering or climbing where aids are not needed.
    Regardless, nicely done!

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Thanks, Ken. I’m with you, I enjoy the ledges too. On the site I try to be mindful that people of all different hiking experience and comfort levels may be reading the post, so I try to give fair warning when there are significant challenges. That said, I also try to have fun with it…

  73. Any ideas of a 3 day hike in Maine that is easier (I know, it’s Maine, not very easy), because my mom REALLY wants to go on a hike with me, but she’s a heart patient. She can get along alright as long as it’s not a lot of major elevation gain.

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Hi Christine. I’d suggest the stretch from East Flagstaff Road/Bog Brook Road (after Bigelow) to Caratunk. 20 miles, 2 shelters, 2 ponds, nothing over 2,000 feet. Caratunk to Monson also not too bad, though there are two mountains with short but steep sections (this would be 38 miles). Another possibility would be to hook onto the 100-mile wilderness anywhere after White Cap Mountain. Just don’t overlook Nesuntabunt Mtn., it’s really short, but also steep.

  74. Jamie says:

    On the way to Mt. Garfield you take rt 93 (not 95). Just wanted to let you know so your followers don’t end up in Maine!

  75. jason pooler says:

    A great read! I’ve been looking into this hike for a bit now. I think I’ll do it in 2 or 3 days.

  76. This was a great hike. Not too difficult but the views were fantastic.

  77. Thank you so much for having this overview! I found it to be extremely helpful in planning my trip this coming Labor Day! Any comments on the weather at the top of the mountain during this time of year?

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Your welcome, Christi. Thanks for checking out the site. Good luck on the mountain. Weather advice? Be prepared for anything!

      • http://www./ says:


      • http://www./ says:

        Merci pour la mention.Je vous invite également à suivre la présentation de Cliff Dennett, lors de cette même conférence, qui a créé la société Soshi Games et qui est un expert reconnu dans la gamification en entreprise (il était auparavant en charge du laboratoire d’innovation pour les entreprises de Lego)

      • not living in some fool’s paradise, I was LATE…simple as that. I take full responsibility. I can’t blame it on anything. I guess that was my way of coping/healing…to create something to give myself a 2nd chance…even to save my mother’s life.Have a lovely day.—Verde

      • Nelle says:

        Wonderful exatnpalion of facts available here.

  78. Tyler Nekton says:

    Awesome job here. I love the humor and the detail really helped build confidence for this hike. I’m headed out this weekend and will repost upon my return. Thanks!

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Thanks Tyler. Good luck this weekend! Please share your photos with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

  79. John Mury says:

    Thank you for sharing! I’m not ready to try it myself, but maybe someday!

  80. Laura says:

    Re: Hike Bigelow Via the Fire Warden’s Trail

    Great article and pictures!

    After camping at Avery Peak, did you and your son take the Fire Wardens Trail back down from Bigelow Col, or did you take the AT Horns Pond Trail Loup down?

    Did you come down the same way you went up?

    I was wondering, if you did in fact descend directly down from Bigelow Col on Fire Warden’s Trail, was the 0.7 mile steep rock staircase hard to descend?

    My question is: Is it possible to just go straight up Fire Wardens Trail to Avery Peak, and then at Bigelow Col, return straight down Fire Warden’s trail?

    Do day hikers do that? Is the trail marked clearly for the trip down that way?

    I’d like to just go up and down the Fire Warden’s Trail, and not take the Loup, but was concerned about going back down the 0.7 mile of steep spiral rock staircase.

    Is that what you and your son did?

    Thanks for your help!

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Hi Laura,

      Yes, you can go up and down on the Firewarden’s Trail. It’s steep on the upper part, but mostly all rock steps and no ledges or anything like that. No worse than any of the other descents.

      Good luck,


  81. Laura says:

    Great site!

  82. Laura says:

    Thank you so much Daren!

  83. JR says:

    FYI It’s actually Exit 31 (32 is Main St. in Lincoln)

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Good catch, thanks for pointing it out!

      • Mickey says:

        simple elegance from head to toe.Thank you for creating AS. When things get a bit to much around here I link up with your blog to wonder what are the Advanced ladies in New York (Paris) up to. It always brings a smile. This understated style suits me in particular. Never unrteestimade the power of the perfect coat.

      • http://www./ says:

        Completely agree. Holden is much better than Torres, Edu, Beckerman, etc. Hopefully he can get, and stay, healthy. My “all healthy” A team would be:————————- Altidore ————————————– Donovan —– Dempsey ————–————– Bradley ——— Holden —————————————– Jones ————————–F.Johnson —– Boca — Gooch —– Chandler————————- Howard ————————Of course, this is hoping Chandler picks us. He is much better than any other RB’s not named Dolo.

      • http://www./ says:

        My boyfriend’s irish, my friends are irish, my boyfriends irish cousins are over here in UK too.Plan for Paddys day today is to drink all day and watch the Six Nations Rugby. I’m English so if England lose against Ireland I’ll never hear the end of it! X

  84. Christine Penney says:

    Definitely not too shabby. You guys rock! Fran may kill you for the ring pic though. Well at least you called it the precious. You make me want to put on my hiking boots and hike a mountain. Well, maybe my sneakers and go for a walk. They say soaking in a tub with epsom salts helps the soreness but you orobably already know that.

  85. Thomas J. Thiel says:

    Great journal. Did the hike the opposite way about 13 years ago, and I will be doing it this way, in a few weeks. Not sure how kind it will be on my aging body, but as my Uncle red would say, “Let it Rip.”

  86. Hiked up the Bridle path on Sept 11th…. initial plan was to do the whole deal.. Franconia Ridge. It started raining. It started pouring. Hooked up with a great guy fromOhio and we made it to Greenleaf, full of hikers trying to dry off. The lightning when we were fully exposed to the ledges was nerve racking. I stayed at the hut for an hour and the weather finally settled. Wasn’t crazy enough to attempt the ridge with 60 mile and hour winds. Came back down Bridle path and the sun came out. Excellent views. One quarter of the way down an emergency helicopter went over my head. I hope it wasn’t my buddy! Will come back to attempt the whole Franconia Ridge, but will make sure the weather is my friend.

  87. Jeffery Foxx says:

    Where do we find the overall results of the AT in a day? I did GA portion.

  88. Roxanne says:

    Great write up and spot on comments about the Falling Waters Trail. I have read too many accident reports about FW trail claiming victims slipping on those rocks. I did this trail a year ago and was amazed at how the mist reached so far onto the trail making those ledges very slippery.

    I want to hike up Bridal as far as Walkers Ravine. I heard it’s 1.9 miles. How will I know when I am there? Is it the first view point? I will then turn around and go back down. I don’t want to get ALMOST THERE then turn around too soon. Any ideas from you experienced hikers?

    Thanks…….and happy trails!!

  89. Warren Droms says:

    I want to point out departure should be plenty early, so you don’t run out of daylight coming down. I left a little late and almost ended up in the waterfall. Leave yourself a little extra time to get down those slick blocks of wood!!

  90. Beth says:

    Hiked this with my now husband back in 2003 and what a debacle! I wish we had this great article back then…we hiked up Falling Waters and we were supposed to take Old Bridle down but…

    This hike was the biggest learning lesson of my hiking life so far. Preparation. We intended for it to be a day hike but started out way too late in the day. We had no idea what the trail looked like and I left all the planning up to him so I didn’t study the length, elevation climb, etc.

    Long story short, we ended up at the top of Little Haystack as the sun was going down. I hadn’t eaten or drank enough and my body started letting me know how upset it was. We missed our turn off for Old Bridle and it was so dark, we had no lights, so we just started cruising down the side of the mountain until it was too dark to go further. Pulled up a rock and waited for the sun to rise.

    AWFUL night but BUT, knowing what I know now…I would like to return and do it right. Great information here, thank you! 🙂

  91. Abhishek Ramesh says:

    Wow. Amazing article. I was planning to hike this mountain in Mid January. Is it safe for beginners ?

  92. http://www./ says:

    Tell Princess Abby that Travis is working on a special video just for her. ;0) So, be watching for it! LOVE YOU GUYS and love your Shakin booty video- our kids were cracking up! Love, Amy

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  95. Audrée says:

    Hahahaha so true for the “worst weather” sign! That’s good logic… 4 years later, never too late to laugh!!

  96. Laura says:

    Please don’t judge me for this question… at any point in this hike did you find yourself dangerously skirting the edge of a very long drop? (I would love to hike up with some friends this summer but taking the auto road last summer was sheer terror & now I’m gun-shy).

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Laura, it’s steep but safe if you stay on the trail. Freelancing off trail can put you in serious danger of being near a cliff.

    • Kim says:

      I too wondered if the hike up Mt. Washington involves being on or even near any sheer drop offs? ( I have driven up a few times and find it terrifying.) Also, follow up question – if the trail avoids any dangerous edges/ledges, how easy is it to find, stay on, and follow the trail? Are inexperienced hikers likely to lose the trail and get lost? I’m worried about this if it isn’t clearly marked.

  97. http://www./ says:

    If your articles are always this helpful, “I’ll be back.”

  98. Andy,That is awesome. Your newest shots are some of your best!That is cool how things got started for you way back in Houston. Here is to many more years to come for you gallery!!

  99. Hola Cecilia, después de todas las cosas bonitas que te han escrito tan sólo me queda unirme a todos los piropos y darte las gracias yo a ti porque cada vez que visitas mi blog o dejas un comentario lo enriqueces con tu cariño. Gracias por transmitir siempre cosas tan bellas. Felicidades por tu primer año y por tu éxito, espero celebrar contigo un montón más. Un beso con todo mi cariño, Ana

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  103. Long Lin says:

    Hey dude, awsome review. I’m thinking about going up to this mountain this weekend. bringing someone along with me that might not be as comfortable as me on the moutnains. any chance you can give me a bit more detail on the alternative rount you took up the Chimney?

  104. Kevin, what all did you do to finish up the workout? There’s sooo many exercises that will help with a bigger bench. Would be neat to see you perform these ALL OUT. This will help drag it out a bit too – just for entertainment value

  105. Sue Mayotte says:

    Did the Helon Taylor Trail last year and the trail up was rugged but this is my 61 year old body talking. We also descended by the same route which I didn’t find terribly difficult and the rock formations (which I didn’t notice on the way up) were spectacular. The toughest part was the texture of the rocks. My legs looked pretty beat up at the end. All said the hike was totally worth it. I’ve seen Knife’s Edge from Baxter Peak so this was a way different perspective and it was worth the trip.

  106. Chuck Rowe says:

    Good information, planning a hike of the Whites and Washington later this year..

  107. http://www./ says:

    Sonia, estamos de mermeladas, esta semana yo he hecho una de limón que está muy buena y realmente es diferente a todas las demás. Esta tuya la voy a probar pronto, tengo calabaza y naranjas cultivadas por mi padre.Besos

  108. Peter LaGoy says:

    Neat picture of the fairly rare (endangered in VT, special conservation in NH) spruce grouse. Lucky sighting

  109. Slorunnr says:

    did this on saturday, it was labeled as an “intermediate” hike by the hike organizer. I have been hiking for over ten years, novice, intermediate and advanced summits. This was no intermediate hike. The descent was treacherous. I wouldnt recommend this to anyone who doesnt have crampons and axe or experience.

  110. James Cronin says:

    Hello! I have a NH AT question. Many years ago my friend and I went out to backpack the Mahoosuc Range from Gorham starting on the Centennial Trail at the end of May. Were we in for a weather treat we weren’t prepared for! Pouring rain, low clouds and visibility. I thought it was the first real peak we hit that had a rock slide to the top – am I remembering wrong? Or was that Success? I think it was before we reached Carlo Col. There were no views at all or I’d have a better memory of it.

    Jim Cronin

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Hi Jim. I don’t recall any rock slides. Success is open granite on the S to N approach, and there are some steep ledges coming down the opposite side, as well as a steep rock scramble into the col before Carlo. Does that help?

  111. Woodrow says:

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    except this blog offers quality based writing.

  112. Sur le forum, j’ai quand même lu des mecs qui avec 2 grand chelem de plus, cad 8, considéreraient Nadal comme le GOAT, je sais pas trop comment mais bon, c’est te dire. Globalement y a plus de pro Federer, des mecs qu’on réfléchit un peu plus que savoir si Nadal en a une plus grosse, qui s’exprime.Hier ça faisait mal, voir plus de soutien pour Ferrer -Simon à côté c’est McEnroe- que pour Federer.

  113. Shane D says:

    Love the photography work that came with your hike review. Finding a good winter hike can definitely be a little bit of a task. Out of curiosity I’m seeing the comment about this being above an intermediate hike, are there any particular winter hikes you would recommend for beginners who are relatively new to the area but are still worth doing? Curious where you would point to someone just starting out. Thanks!

  114. Paul E Fishback says:

    Last did the complete loop in 1983 (yes–I’m old) and have done the Falling Waters–Bridle Path loop many times since.

    I remember the Garfield Ridge between the Garfield shelter and Lafayette is pretty rough. In your opinion is it one direction easier than the other.

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Pretty much a coin flip, but going from Lafayette to Garfield would be my vote for slightly less tough because I’d rather go up Lafayette than down it.

  115. If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!

  116. Janet says:

    Best blog about a hike I’ve seen. Thank you – it was extremely informational.

  117. Daniel Gordon says:

    Looking for help I want to do the pemi loop next week I’m new to over nite hikes do I need a permit? Can i set my tent wherever or has to be at site?I’d greatly appreciate any help

    • Nick says:

      There are rules governing where you can camp in the WMNF. You should look them up. You don’t need any sort of permit to hike or camp so long as you follow those rules (obviously you’d need reservations to stay at any of the huts).

  118. Daniel Gordon says:

    Don’t know

  119. Joseph Kuperberg says:

    Great write up, thanks! We have done 12 of the ADK 46 with more coming and plan to tackle Mt Washington this summer. We’ll let you know how we do.

  120. Ya learn something new everyday. It’s true I guess!

  121. beth says:

    very informative post. hoping it helps me tomorrow when I head up there for the first time. 😊

  122. Tamara Taylor says:

    Not an experienced hiker? Do you “think” you are…Please take the time to read my review. Our family is active and loves adventure especially a great hike. We wanted to really challenge ourselves so tried hiking the whole loop starting with waterfalls. After reading everything we could find online we were aware the hike took most around 8 hrs. We left at 8:15am planning on a 10 hr hike recognizing we would be slower than most. The climb up the waterfalls although amazing meant crossing water several times. Not wanting to fall I took off shoes and socks. (We did bring dry socks but not shoes). The way up was difficult for me at 42 with 40 lbs of extra weight. Knowing what I can handle in the gym (Crossfit) I knew I had the strength and could get through the cardio. What I didn’t anticipate was the constant drops from peak to peak and down the mountain. Having severed several ligaments in right knee and functioning bone on bone at this point with metal holding everything together it was a killer for me. Every drop I held my daughters shoulder (16) to ease the impact. Walking sticks were recommended repeatedly. No doubt my family (husband 12,16,and 18 year old) could have done the hike better without me. Great news is I finished and mentally that feels incredible. Bad news is it took 13.5 hours without a stop longer than 20 min. If you did the math we finished the hike in pitch dark. Thanks to the couple that was aware of our pace and gave us a flashlight. Our son (18) was back at the locked car hours before us. They stayed with him,gave him food,and called us several times to check on our progress. The trail is every bit as amazing as others have said but due to a knee injury I had no business up there. Our success had a lot to do with tons of hydration several days leading up to our hike. I drank 120 ounces while hiking. Hope my honest review helps someone make a safe decision preventing a hard day. Go hike…just pick the right trail for your body and enjoy God revealing himself through creation.

  123. Dee says:

    Very helpful. Just the info we needed!

  124. Anthony Shaw says:

    My older brother took me for my first ever White Mt. backpacking trip in 1975. We came up the Old Bridle Path, overnighting the first night at the Garfield Tentsite and down in the Pemi Wilderness on night two. I remember the blackflies (early June), the blisters (boots not broken in), the merciless 0.8 mile ascent to South Twin Mt., and how remote the Bondcliffs felt. Within 2 years I had moved to New England and I have never left. I’ve done all the NH 4000 footers, but these peaks we’re my first and will always remain special to me.

  125. Mary Bowles says:

    My son and I have been thinking of doing this hike.(age 15 & 57) We do day hikes, Mount Moosilauke,Black Mountain,Blueberry,Mount Cube and Camels Hump in Vermont.This would be the most challenging,and if we do it I plan on being at the trail head at daybreak.Also leaving the 9 1/2 year old large breed dog at home, Mount Cube at 6 miles was a push to her limits. Thanks for all the info!

  126. Mary Bowles says:

    great info,thank you. Do you know what the mileage/time frame would be, to hike up Beaver Brook and come down the Gorge brook trail?

  127. Carolyn Rogers says:

    Reminded how much I respect this wonderful area, because over Labor Day weekend, my G’son and a friend were in Greenville, and decided to climb Katahdin. Long ago memories of my years at GS trip Camp Natarswi in Millinocket came flooding back. As a relatively unathletic kid, I loved/hated some trails there–specifically Knife Edge, Cathedral , etc., but forever grateful to patient skilled counselors who got us safely through those unforgettable adventures. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. . .and I’m grateful to have had it all. Didn’t expect to be experiencing it again while worrying about the G’son’s safety!
    Loved your funny and real comments. Thank you for such bringing back the memories, and the laughs.
    P. S. I know about Donn Fendler’s book.

  128. I hiked Arethusa all the way to the falls and back it took a lot out of me but it was fun can’t wait to hike again

  129. Gavin Evans says:

    We are planning on heading to the northeast of the USA for some good hikes next year. Mount Washington is definitely one that makes the list. I drove through the White Mountains while on a road trip through New England in 2008 but now it’s time to see these beautiful states from up above! Thanks for the great post; it is very informative and certainly makes us want to get over there that much sooner now.

  130. Overall RatingFoodServiceAtmospherePrice/ValueRomanceSuitable for ChildrenWhat: Breakfast, Sweet Bread, Biscuits, Fresh Fruit, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Waffles served Family styleApproximate Price of Entrees: 3 adults at $18.99, 1 child at $10.99Be Sure to Try: The sweet Bread, it is a coconut pineapple bread and is so yummyGeneral tips: We had an ADR for around 10:30am and had almost the whole restaurant to ourselves, we got great character interactionTheMouseForLess tips: We used the DDP so tax and tip were includedExtra Comments: They do a fun little parade with the kids around the restaurant. We had a blast here.

  131. That is probably the greatest class ever! I would love to meet the teacher!The title of your post caught my attention first, actually, as I'm travelling to Moscow, Idaho for an international Jazz festival in a very short amount of time!-Robyn

  132. Anne Grier says:

    Enjoyed this article. It was very good and descriptive. Thinking of taking the kids on a weekend trip through the range.

  133. G. Thomas says:

    Thanks for the post, son and grandson are on the mountain this weekend.Great to see were they are from my chair by the fire!

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  140. FRANK SULLIVAN says:

    Did this trail once with my then gf, once with my dog and she gave up at about 3200′, once with a couple of friends who couldn’t do all of the cascades, but it still wasn’t as demanding as Tripyramid…

  141. FRANK SULLIVAN says:

    yeah, this one really tuckered me out! the last leg of the hike to the summit is seriously intimidating while tiredly approaching it!

  142. FRANK SULLIVAN says:

    Got up to the 2 “Lakes” ‘n then headed back down…. Gotta say “twas a bit rigorous”

  143. Great write up! This was really fun to read 🙂

    Just attempted this loop June 2018 starting from Rattle River trailhead going clockwise. We lost the Highwater trail several times from Shelburne to the junction with Moriah Brook Trail, after which we lost it permanently. (Spent the day bushwacking, returned to camp across the river from the Wild River Campground, ended up taking the Moriah Brook Trail over the top). Rained that afternoon and all night. In the morning, even more of the Highwater Trail had been claimed by the river in new slides and lots more large trees (12 dia+) had fallen in the river. Heads up to anyone setting out for that trail – it lives up to it’s “wild”ness!

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  145. Brian Murphy says:

    Hi Daren,

    Awesome website with very detailed reviews of hikes and camping experiences. I am just starting out at the tender age of 54. I have done some hiking with my son’s Boy Scout troop but nothing compared to the Pemi loop which is the article on Reddit that brought me here.

    I am trying to get my wife to join me in this activity as one child is college bound and the other is soon behind. I was particulary interested in the hikes flagged as family hikes as I think they would be a good starting point and not get ourselves overwhelmed with the physical aspects of hiking which I think would take away from the wonders of being outdoors and enjoying the spectacular views.

    Do you have any recommendations for some newbies in terms of resources? I have of course already liked Northeast Hikes on Facebook.



  146. John says:

    Thanks for this blog post! Very informative.

  147. Andrés Böröndy says:

    I did it last year at the end of June, we doing it this coming Saturday with my granddaughter, and your description of the trail is as perfect as it can be. Will try to venture of to the Lion’s Head trail, but will take the decision when i’m on the trail. Hope the weather is friendly, because a wet trail will make it a little bit dangerous. If somebody is doing it alone, just keep following the arrows painted on the rock after the rest at the bottom of the Ravine, specially the section where the waterfall is.

  148. Maggie says:

    Thanks for all the pictures, now I know what to expect this weekend when we go hiking:)

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  150. Tom Murphy says:

    I heard bad stories about the well. Wouldn’t drink it even filtered.

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  153. Tom Marshall says:

    Awesome write up!

    I’m looking at this hike for a 2-3 day backpacking trip with a few friends during the 1st week of October – aiming to do it in reverse (as you recommended): Moriah Brook Tr-Imp site-Carters/Hight-Perkins Notch-down Wild River Trail. Couple ?s:

    Are campfires allowed at the back country sites?
    Are the ledges doable with a 40lb pack strapped to you?
    What was other hiker traffic like? or what might we expect in early Oct?

    many thanks! Tom

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Hi Tom, I don’t remember about the fires. We went in the spring and it was so buggy that we just jumped in our tents/hammocks after eating. The ledges mentioned are on the Appalachian Trail, so they are routinely traversed by people with overnight packs. Wear proper footwear and be careful and you should be fine. Hiker traffic in the Wild River Wilderness will likely be light in October, but weather permitting, you’ll probably see a bunch of people going over the Carters and Hight. Good luck!

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  155. Dash says:

    You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion evherwyere!

  156. Matty says:

    Your’s is the innelligett approach to this issue.

  157. Idalia says:

    Keep these arlcites coming as they’ve opened many new doors for me.

  158. Jerry Conner says:

    It was great. Thinking of doing it again this fall.

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  160. Robert says:

    Done the Tucks trail twice, once after staying overnight in a Hermit Lake shelter. Took I forget how many hours up and down, but the trips was grand.

    On one trip, came down from the summit via the Lion’s Head trail for a change in perspective from the headwall; the other was via Boott Spur, for ditto.

    Going up or down, I go at two speeds: slow, and slower.

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  163. Mark says:

    Tried to climb this mountain 2 years ago. Hiked 9 hours in all and still had 2 miles to go to the summit. My girlfriend told me she was exhausted and terrified. Plan to do it myself in 2019. Baxter State Park has limits each day on how many people can enter the park. There is a campground at the base of the mountain reserve very early in high season. The park also closes in the fall. There is no treated water source in the campground and food must be bought outside the park.

  164. Digger says:

    Clear, inmovfatire, simple. Could I send you some e-hugs?

  165. Carolyn Rogers says:

    Awesome guide!
    Thank U.
    The Maine Warden Service provides invaluable guidance to Mainers and “Flatlanders” alike.

  166. Chris Downs says:

    Did this trail last weekend. Full on winter conditions. Sub zero temperatures at the summit with a good breeze. Crampons make the ascent and decent a bit less scary than a wet summer day. A great winter hike without the usual weekend crowds for the experienced winter hiker/climber. Highly recommended.

    • vasocreta says:

      I too am eyeing a winter ascent of the Beaver Brook. Still working on dates, but it’s good to get a report from someone who has done it recently. Thanks!

  167. irene sardanis says:

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  168. So glad it's not just me, Anne, and the timer idea is inspired! I have forced myself to banish the internet to another computer, so that I'm not tempted to do the Amazon, Google, Twitter, Facebook malarchy, essential though those things are, when I'm trying to write! However, my iPhone has made all that much more manageable.Are you ever tempted to go back to the typewriter?

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    There’s certainly a great deal to learn about this issue. I love all of the points you’ve made.

  173. Karen says:

    I’ve only just started the 4ks and have completed 10 of them. I am super new to the winter hiking thing. I did Pierce a second time with a group. I did Willard, Arethusa Falls and Lonesome Lake on my own before completing Mt Waumbeck for #10 last week.
    My Carrigain is on my list but I think I best leave it for the summer! Kudos to you for completing it!!!!! Congratulations! That is quite the accomplishment;)

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  177. Glenda says:

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  178. Lorraine Elliott says:

    Great Information thanks so much. I am thinking of doing this with my 7 year old who is very athletic. She wants to do it. I am afraid she might get too tired or do something foolish like run ahead and get lost. Has any kids done this around that age? I don’t want to put her in any danger of course. Perhaps I should wait till she is older?

    • Sde says:

      you should definitely wait till she is older

    • jurate says:

      Hi Lorraine, I wonder if you took your daughter to hike it. And if so, what was your experience? I came across this while planning the trip with my 7,5 year old son and looking more info on hiking with kids.

      • Kim says:

        My 16 year old and I did the Tuckerman Ravine hike last year. Based on our experience, I would not recommend it for kids. It’s a challenging hike in my opinion – at least half a day and hard work at that. Depending on your experience, of course, it might be easier or harder than it was for us, but we were working most of the time we were climbing. Some spots are more exhausting than others and there is some exposure when climbing out of the ravine that I found really scary – it was a bit wet the day we did it, but it was slippery and technical in one exposed spot.

        All of that said, we had a great experience, I just think it would be too much for (at least) most kids under 14, as well as challenging for most recreational hikers or climbers of any age. Everyone is unique though.

        Good luck with whatever you decide.

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    however you truly make a compelling argument.

  180. panoseuraa says:

    Great article. I can’t wait to share it with good friends.

  181. I’d love to see an F/A18 Hornet with him being a naval aviator. But being a GA pilot myself, anything made of metal and wings is still love at first sight for me. Great session!!

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  183. Estella says:

    What a fantastic post! I require to share this with buddies.

  184. conor says:

    Great article, Daren. Concise and informative.

    I’m planning a Pemi excursion this coming summer. So far we have the third weekend in June on the books. In your experience do you think the pemi loop tail corridor is typically snow free and out of mud season by then?


  185. Angela Paris says:

    What are your favorite hikes for families around Acadia and Schoodic Point?

  186. It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’d without a doubt donate to this outstanding blog!

    I suppose for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account.
    I look forward to fresh updates and will share this site with my Facebook group.

    Chat soon!

  187. Andrea says:

    Thanks so much for this. We are going today with a 7 and 4 yr old. Great to know what to expect with little kids.

  188. Lori says:

    Which trail is more treacherous in your opinion? This North Slide trail or the Flume Slide trail used to ascend Mt. Flume.


    • Chris says:

      I met a guy on middle peak yesterday who deemed Flume Slide notably easier than Tripyramid’s north slide. This old pro had been up the Tripyramid slide 3 times this summer, his opinion seemed based in experience.

  189. Nina says:

    This article was fun and informative. Thank you!

  190. Please subscribe to blog.

  191. jade says:

    I would say brave, adventurous and prepared rather than stupid! what an accomplishment!! read the summer/fall 2019 Appalachia book for an account of a 15 year old girl who does the pemi loop solo!
    THANKS! I really enjoy reading your posts!!
    i’m headed out for a 50 road walk (country roads) today…head up to the whites in September when the bugs have left for the season…

  192. Shawn Jacobs says:

    Thank you for the informative and inspirational post. I spent the first 13 years of my life in Millinocket and am planning my first climb to the summit on 8/15/2019. Nervous and excited all at the same time, this will be 10 days after my 52nd birthday and I am hiking solo. I’ll be sure to share may experience with you. Keep up the great work.

    • Wakefield Roots says:

      Hi Shawn,
      If you are hiking from Katahdin Stream Campground, be aware the bridge at Katahdin Stream Falls is temporarily out of service (it’s not there right now). You can locate an alternate trail from the campground. This will save you from needing to cross Katahdin Stream, which is raging from all the rains, at a temporary ford. Best wishes on your hike.

  193. Darren Drummond says:

    I would like to plan a trip with my son down the Appalachian trail from Maine to New Hampshire any advice would be helpful, with provisions and how long it would take. Thank you.

    • Daren Worcester says:

      It took us three weeks with a couple of rest days baked in to complete Maine. Depending on the age of your son, you may want to plan for close to a month. Provisions can be mailed ahead to post offices near the trail, but you can also purchase food in trail towns such as Monson, Stratton, and Rangeley. It’s pretty much a guarantee that you’ll get sick of eating whatever you pre-pack and mail and want to hit a store/restaurant for food when you can.

  194. laura newman says:

    This was a great article. I felt more prepared after reading it. It took us 8.5hours to complete but are 2 days into recovery!
    I didn’t hear much about midgies before going but that took some of the enjoyment out of the trail. However they kept me moving!
    We drove almost 2000 miles to hike Abol and almost missed our chance – I tried multiple times to get a parking pass online- I called and was finally able to get one – a day later than planned but so worth it bc the day was amazing!

  195. Cathy Hazelton says:

    I can’t tell the date this was written…is the North Branch still closed? We hiked it years ago and LOVED it.

  196. Bill Toews says:

    Made it to the top on 18 July ’19. Left PNVC with overcast skies which cleared once we entered the ravine. Clouds/fog moved in during the summit push limiting the views we had hoped for. We passed snow to the left of the trail at the end of Tuckerman Ravine – surprising to see in mid-July … of course, this only adds to the story:).
    We were a group of six 50+ year old hikers with moderate to good levels of fitness and one 25 year old AT expert. Total time was just under 6 hours with many water breaks/photo-ops and two longer stops at Hermit Lake and Tuckerman Junction. The hike was a fantastic experience – we WILL return! Thanks to the great group from PA who included my wife and me on the climb.
    This description of the trail is accurate. It would also be helpful to carry a trail map – available at PNVC. My wife and I did not have hiking poles – I would suggest this as necessary if not mandatory gear.
    Took the $31 shuttle down as it was getting late. Looking forward to another attempt which we hope to make a hiking ’round trip.’

  197. Kristen Carey says:

    Darin, did you travel Knifes Edge at all from Hunt to Baxter Peak? I’ve done Helon Taylor to Pamola and another trip up Dudley from Chimney Pond to Pamola then Knifes edge. Never left out of Katahdin Stream to Baxter Peak.

  198. Karthik S says:

    I was looking for some information to create an infographic on Hiking with dogs and came across your site.
    Very informative and thanks for taking the effort. After completing the infographics., I would like to share it.

  199. Karthik S says:

    Hi Daren,
    I was looking for some information to create an infographic on Hiking with dogs and came across your site.
    Very informative and thanks for taking the effort. After completing the infographics., I would like to share it.

  200. Alexandra M Graf says:

    Much harder than we expected

  201. Wakefield Roots says:

    Bridge Out!
    Thank you for this excellent description. We hiked the Hunt Trail to Baxter Peak on Saturday, August 10, 2019. Note: the bridge across Katahdin Stream at the falls, 1.1 miles into the hike, is OUT. There is an alternate trail from the campground which avoids making the perilous ford across Katahdin Stream at the point where the bridge had been. (A tree trunk, about 4 or 5 inches in diameter, is laid across the stream, which was raging when we crossed).
    We were fortunate that rain and wind remained above the freezing point, and we heard no thunder on our ascent, allowing us to proceed safely to the summit. We were even rewarded with clearing fog and spectacular views on our descent.

  202. Greg says:

    Thanks for the write up here. Lived in NH all my life and finally got this done with my wife and three kids. It was great but tough. Took us 6.5 hours including a nice visit to the hut. My 11 year old was really impressed with the ridge. Can’t beat it!

  203. Kavya says:

    Nice article /feedback !

    Looking forward to go with toddler n a 4 yr old. Any suggestion?

    Trailhead Address:

    Can you pls share the address ( starting point ) for this trail suggested for kids.

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Bring two adults with carriers. The trail is short, but it is steep and rocky. The 4 year old will probably want to be carried at some point.

  204. Marie L says:

    Stumbled on this trail when my daughter and I got confused and decided to give it a go anyway. It was November and no micro-spikes. I cracked up at the comment, “This is one of those hikes that you tell your mother about after the fact” as I was the mother in this case. What was harder than the hike was watching my daughter taking pictures precariously close to the cascades. (well, in her defense, the trail was precariously close to the cascades!) Great hike, just beautiful, and exhilarating. And a little scary.

  205. Brian Nadeau says:

    I hiked Piper trail with my friend Rosco. We did fine until one unleashed dog came up and attacked mine. I had to grab this dog by the neck and the owner pulled him from my grip. Things could have ended up differently as I had my 45 on my hip. Please people leash your dog. Other than that it was a great day. Is there a mandatory leash in effect?

  206. Gunter says:

    we are experienced hikers and in good shape, but it little long in the tooth (I am 75). However after Hermit Lake shelter we followed some trails skiers take that eventually fizzled out. It took as at least an extra hour climbing over large boulders to get out of the ravine and find our way back to the trail on top of the ravine. Fortunately the weather was great that day. However it was a foolish mistake. If it does not look like your are on the trail, you probably are not. We were not proud making such a beginners mistake.

  207. BARBARA GROTH says:

    Hello, great article on the Fire Warden trail hike. I’m just wondering if there are any steep dropoffs on this trail in the last .7 miles to the Col. I’m great with endurance and difficulty but lousy with heights and steep, dangerous drop offs aren’t my cup of tea, plus I will be taking my little dog who is an excellent hiker but only 6#.

  208. Carol and Ron Smith says:

    Did the Falling Waters Trail today with my husband and then read this information tonight while laying around nursing sore knees. We are visiting Vermont’s NEK and it was recommended we take a moderate trail nearby. Had no clue about Falling Waters trail. It was a Beautiful day. We had no food or water with us. We had on hiking boots and were dressed warmly. I had a hiking stick (thank God). At about a half mile from the top we met up with someone that told us we had to come back down the same way we came up. That’s when I started to cry and my husband realized I was dehydrated. The kind girl we met gave me some of her water to sip and some nuts. My husband didn’t drink anything. So almost to the top we headed back down. I was scared as heck but my husband stayed close. The wet rocks covered with leaves because it is autumn made it really dangerous. Here’s why we were nuts. I am 64 and my husband is 69. We are av id bikers but like to hike on occassion. I broke my kneecap in June and then fell on the same knee last week. Xray showed I didn’t rebreak it. Whew. Falling Water trail kicked my butt today but I did it. Take water and food and hiking poles or sticks. My husband has a hip replacement,a knee replacement, a rod where his thigh bone should be and 13 screws. Oh and a bad back. He isn’t complaining at all. Crazy right? So be wise and be prepared. Be safe but by all means hike this trail if you are in good shape. …….can’t get rid of these last few leftover words. Delete not working…. 47 Godz) bebeautiful day

  209. Jim Harkness says:

    In the summer of 1975 my friend David and I drove from South Carolina up through Maine and on a lark decided to climb Katahdin, having zero clue what we were letting ourselves in for. With no reservation we got a lean-to easily (1975, as I mentioned). The next morning, wearing light running shoes and carrying a couple of canteens of water and maybe a baggie of trail mix, we headed raucously up Abol toward the summit.

    About eleven hours later my buddy and I stumbled back to the campsite as exhausted as we had been in our lives. Our hair was wet and filthy, our hands and knees were raw as hamburger, and our heads were pounding from dehydration and glucose depletion. The soles of my shoes were literally shredded, both our feet were bloody with too many burst blisters to count, and we had stopped speaking to each about a quarter of the way down from the summit. After lying around the lean-to near-comatose for an hour, we finally crawled over to Roaring Brook and rinsed the dust and sweat away sitting as long as we could stand it in the icy cataract. Then we dragged ourselves back to base, where we cooked and consumed an eight-pack of Nathan’s vile hot dogs and sucked down a pint of Jack Daniels neat, no ice.

    A year later we went back, prepared, fit, made the round trip in eight hours or so, and swore to each other that we would do it every again ten years until we hit seventy.

    Never did, though. Talked about it many times, before and after we both retired, Shied away from the gut check, though. I still liked the JD, myself, while David developed a preference for vodka tonic, which finally got him three years ago when he was about seven months shy of seventy. I thought about suggesting that his ashes be spread atop Katahdin, but his wife and kids would have vetoed it for sure. Besides, who the hell would have carried them up there?

  210. Carolyn Rogers says:

    Loved your remarks about Katahdin. You don’t know ’til you find out!
    I have mentioned here my own experiences there on this site before, so won’t repeat except to say “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, and crawling over Knife Edge on hands and knees–crying–is unforgettable.

  211. nathaniel Berry says:

    That was an incredible hike. Hope your life insurance is paid up.

  212. Martha Smith says:

    A good film about active rest for passive relaxation in the evening. This film is kind, calm with a certain sense of humor, which you need to understand, with a beautiful picture and wonderful actors. This film should be interesting to travelers, hikers, tourists (at least for educational purposes). The idea of such long walking trails with all the surrounding infrastructure is fascinating! I recommend to watch this movie and then go on a trip. Thanks for your review!

  213. Jim Albert says:

    I have summited Katahdin 15 times, all trails in different variations, but Abol the most times. This is by far the best write up with the appropriately placed pictures. Great recommendations on the training on other mountains as this is not like others and there are NO easy routes. Having experienced every type of weather on this greatest of mountains, even blizzard conditions the day before the summer soltice on the tableland, the payoff is nothing short of spectacular! Nice job! Baxter Peak see you July 2020!

  214. Jeff Dearman says:

    One thing, could they consider adding hand holds on the section of the Knife edge by the big drop with the very narrow path where you have to lean up against the rock face? That is a very dangerous section , some hand holds would be good here. – either that or cut a trail up and over?

    • I facetiously suggested that the Knife Edge was too rough, maybe they would fill in some cracks with concrete! I don’t believe any man-made accomodations will ever be put on the trail. On what I call the “Skywalk”, you can lean into the rock at about 30 degrees, and there are plenty of good holds if you’re patient. You also can pass on the other side of the knoll, avoiding the cliff entirely. Feel free to watch my 3 KE videos on Youtube vtboomer channel. The one thing I would definitely recommend is not walking the cliff in any slippery conditions or high wind.

  215. MICHAEL RANDALL says:

    Great article! Thank you! I was 58 last year and hiked Jewell trail in early June. Was planning on Tuckerman Ravine but it was closed for snow. A friend cancelled so I hiked alone, did not see another person on trail till I got near the top. I had all recommended equipment and had checked weather. Still didn’t completely prepare me (a Georgia resident) for the ice, 50 mile per hour winds and 15 degree windchill temp at the top. Took me 3.5 hours one way. Enjoyed it a lot. Coming back this summer to hike TR trail (late July) for my 60th birthday. Trip down only took 20 minutes, I talked myself into taking the railway. Had thoughts of twisting an ankle and waiting a long time time for help.

  216. Sri says:

    Thank you, enjoyed reading it all the way till the end!

  217. Jon says:

    Surprised at the description. The first part is moderate difficulty and relentless. This is not family friendly. Plenty of rocks to turn an ankle on. This is the first 2.4 miles. Hikers appreciating this description must not be novice hikers in terms of fitness or ability.

  218. Ashli says:

    If you are going for finest contents like me, only go to see this site every day
    because it offers feature contents, thanks

  219. Marcia Price says:

    All this info has been very helpful. Going for a second attempt 2 weeks from today. Been practicing as much as schedule allows.Hoping my body is ready…

  220. janice says:

    Excellent trail detail. Much appreciated.

  221. Albert says:

    I am taking my 2 boys on this hike next week and this was the perfect description and I appreciate the parking directions. Will definitely check out your book!

  222. P.J. says:

    Plan on going up the Ammonoosuc and down the Jewell this weekend!! Thanks for the info. Good stuff!!!

  223. michael says:

    This article would be nicely enhanced by a sketch/map. Personally find it hard to follow the journey as at the start you are mentioning many places which I cannot visualize how they relate to one another. For example, where is the Liberty Spring Water Source in relation to the Osseo Trail Junction? Or even in relation to the Lincoln Woods Visitor Center. Also, before we get to where Liberty Spring Trail meets the Franconia Ridge Trail you mention so many places and where are they all in relation to each other? “One benefit I received from starting on the Liberty Spring Trail is that I was able to fill my 100-ounce water bladder at Liberty Spring. Hikers doing a clockwise loop from Osseo have to carefully plan their water allocation. Once beyond the brook along the Osseo Trail, the next on-trail water source isn’t until Garfield Pond, about 10 miles away, and, well, even with a filter it seems questionable. I have drawn water from here, and lived to tell about it, but I’d much rather resupply at the Garfield Ridge Campsite spring on the other side of the Garfield summit.

    The solution? Day hikers aren’t going to have time for the 0.6-mile round trip to Liberty Spring, never mind the 2.2-mile round trip to the Greenleaf Hut off Mt. Lafayette, so their best bet is to pack an extra water bottle.”

    A simple schematic map handdrwan, primitive even, would help I think.

  224. Ashley H says:

    Two of us hiked the western part of the loop 9/18-20/2020 and found this write up to be SUPER helpful. It looks like the trail got a bit of TLC from the AMC over the summer, as it was easy to follow and there was clearly some steps and planks being replaced/built. We found the section where it connects to the AT to be the hardest as it was a lot of rocky decent. We hit the summit of Old Speck without even meaning to since the ascent was such a pleasant trail!

  225. Tom says:

    Nice write-up.Thanks!
    Do you know if dogs are allowed?

  226. Dave Collins says:

    Great review, thanks for publishing it. I just completed this very hike with two others and your observations were right on and helpful.
    We had planned to camp at Sargent Brook campsite, but all three of the tent sites were covered with running water. We pressed on 4 miles to the Slide Mountain campsite, arriving about an hour past sunset. We set up in the dark and stored our food in the dry end of the bear box. On day two, we summited Old Speck (nothing to see but fog or us too so we passed on the fire tower). We pressed on to Speck Pond campsite along the most difficult trail section of our hike. The Speck Pond campsite gets high marks with a modern AT shelter and 5 tent platforms. Temps got below 15 degrees overnight, so our shoes were frozen in the morning (thankfully we had dry socks). The return trip NOBO on the AT to Old Speck was icy in places and less hairy than the day before only because we were hiking uphill. If we were cold at the start, we were peeling off layers before we reached the top. The 3.5 miles to the parking lot on route 26 were scenic and pleasant (and gratefully, sunny).

  227. Becky says:

    It is one of the best articles on the comparison of the hammock and the tent. I can’t stop me to appreciate the author for such an informative article.

  228. Great and thorough description, thank you

  229. Gary Cywinski says:

    Heading up to attempt Madison and Adams tomorrow with my son Rick.First time in 30 years for me,Rick’s first .Hope we get clear weather too.

  230. ambleve says:

    Thank you for this.

  231. Edward Flaherty says:

    Very good info just would like to see a map too.

  232. Bob says:

    I just did this yesterday. I was waaay overpacked and it took me 18 hours. Epic day! Amazing views.

  233. Nitin Shirke says:

    Hello, I and my wife are thinking of doing 1 way hike to Mt Washington in July and take the cog train down. We are novice hikers. Which is the easiest trail to take to go to summit? Tuckerman or Jewel trail?

  234. Loretta L Lavoie says:

    Although I have hiked 62 of the 67 New England 4000 footers, I have not hiked Katahdin. Since I am elderly with multiple health issues, I know I will never hike the remaining five. However, I have enjoyed reading about this mountain and the many adventures and misadventures that go with it have certainly been interesting. Now I am concerned about my grandson hiking Katahdin with a couple of friends, one who has hiked it previously. They are planning the hike for next month and I know I will be anxiously waiting to hear they have returned safe and sound. As Ed Viesturs has said “Getting to the top is optional, getting to the bottom is mandatory.” I have always felt that is sound advice, no matter which mountain one is hiking!.

  235. Jhony says:

    “Should I get a two-person hammock for my spouse and I?”
    AND ME thank you

  236. Anne says:

    Any tips on the LEAST dog friendly day hikes in the whites? I’m doing all 48 and bringing my pup along for as many as possible, but I also plan to do a few of the most difficult ones without him. So far he’s been able to conquer Peirce, Jackson, Hale, Garfield, Tecumseh, the Oceolas, and the Hancocks. He was able to do all, but did struggle on East Oceola and a little on Jackson. He’s pretty good on ledges but not great with high jumps or deep water crossings and I’m too small to carry him. Can you list 3 mountains that your dogs struggled with the most?

  237. john says:

    As a Travel Fricker, I think Hammock makes your tour perfect. thanks for your informative content about hammock! keep it up, dear. I will follow you.

  238. Bruce says:

    Thanks. can’t wait to do this hike in May for my 70th BD.

  239. Carol says:

    Great information for those of us contemplating the Pemi! One question I have is what did you take for food and cooking gear? Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience!!!

  240. Trail Tank says:

    First 4000′ of the season completed May 2, 2022 – Be aware significant ice and snow remain on most of the rail from about 3/4 a mile in right to the tree line. Micro spikes a MUST, for the next couple weeks or so.

  241. Christine Shaw says:

    Great writing! Really enjoyed reading probably because I’ve shared some of those same moments (trail runners and elite peak baggers who have to refuse your offer of a snack or their attempt doesn’t count..). Keep writing!

  242. Eli says:

    Just did the same trail. Cathedral down was wild.

  243. Eric Jepsen says:

    Hi Darren, Thank you for posting your experience. I am planning to do the same route and timeframe as your trip. My main question is how to do get from the trail into the towns to restock? I am considering do this trip in the beginning of August.
    Eric – Colorado

    • Daren Worcester says:

      Hi Eric, so, the bad news is you may have to walk. Many hikers (not that I’m recommending this), try hitch hiking. You might get lucky and meet some day hikers that will offer you a ride. With research and preparation, you may also be able to arrange a ride. If you are staying at a hostel, it’s not out of the question that they would pick you up. Some do this for free, some for a fee. You could also try researching cab companies. Just be mindful that cell reception may not always be great at trailheads.

  244. bc says:

    We snowshoed to the falls in Winter. Quite a hike for rookies but was well worth it.

  245. Best article, to the point information

  246. Just FYI – Blue blazing is traveling via water, it’s not cheating, that’s reserved for yellow blazing.

  247. Thanks for sharing. Reading your story made me think of the way my siblings and I talk depending on the situation. I am hoping I can hike Maine’s 100 mile, but unfortunately, I can only do friday-sunday, unless I find someone to stay with my dog 🙂 … your state is beautiful!

  248. Rick M says:

    I am thinking of doing this half of the GLT this summer, but was thinking it would be much easier to start up Old Speck (granted that part is rugged) and then mostly descend down to the other peaks….besides the challenge, I wonder what the advantage is to going your direction?


    • Daren Worcester says:

      Yes, I’d agree that going counter-clockwise gets the tougher hiking out of the way at the beginning if you’re only doing the western half. If doing the hike as an overnight, going clockwise provides more campsite flexibility.

  249. i have family in new Hampshire i love to visit and see the autumn leaves

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  251. Chris Loef says:

    You might want to alert “would-be” hikers that the Carriage Road from Carrabbasset Valley is currently gated and off limits for the time being as it is owned by the Penobscot Indian Nation. Due to the political BS the state of Maine has pulled over the years, they shut off access until further notice. The only access is to go through Kingfield and North New Portland.